Friday, April 25, 2008

Table and Chairs.

When Aimee and I first got married we started off our lives together with a new bedroom set and a table and three chairs (yes, three). The table was a sale item and the chairs were a do-it-yourself special from Lowe's (they only had three left). One lesson learned was that do-it-yourself specials require proper tools, patience, and time (of which 8 years ago I had none of these). So now the table has been poorly refinished (furniture work will not be a part of my retirement plan) and the chairs creak, crack, pop and wiggle every time they are called into service. A few years ago these noises and nuances led to long conversations concerning how to get them replaced, but now they simply signal the start and close of our day. Funny how perspectives and priorities change...isn't it?

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