Sunday, August 31, 2008

Well Hello There Gustav!

We snapped this on our way to church this evening. We had a small turn out, but I think people stayed home more to avoid the huge influx of people from LA. than the weather. Started raining just as we left the building to go to our car and has not stopped since. Looked like a nice little downpour was hitting just outside of town on the ride home. Other than that, not too much going on. Jack has decided that he is going to sleep with us tonight, apparently Mommy and Daddy need super hero protection against the storm (he requested his spiderman underoos tonight instead of pajamas). Yes, our son is a superhero and I will most likely be waking up to a bony behind clothed in spiderman undershorts in my face.

1 comment:

brandy said...

I have been so worried about you guys. I hope and pray you guys don't get the bad stuff. Take care of those sweet babies. Keep us updated and please be safe. We love you all very much!!