Saturday, August 30, 2008

What to do? What to do?

Well, we have been reading the information posted on the National Hurricane Center website like we have some training and know what we are doing. We are now on the outer edges of the "error" range of the predicted path. This simply means that we still do not know if we are going to be welcoming our dear ole "Uncle Gustav" in from the Caribbean on Tuesday. I have to admit that we have been enjoying the polarity of responses from people in and around H'burg. Wally world has made massive amounts of money the past few days on people who go in and start buying everything they need and even more things they don't. I have gone just to watch these people; intensely focused, brows furrowed, veigns popping as they frantically run around the store pushing one full cart and pulling another. Its great! Especially when you are trying to actually decide between cheerios or shredded wheat and are taking too much time "blocking" the isle. Let's all celebrate the great ole coastal tradition of hoarding. Like a bunch crazed chipmunks, cheeks bulging, feverishly stuffing the tree. Of course you have folks that are on the other end of the worry spectrum too. Hurriwha?? Where? aghhh! aint gunna hit us. Goin over to Texas. Regardless of reaction we all experiencing the gas price gouging. Twenty-five cents in about the same amount of hours. So cool to see people taking care of others.......of course by others I mean the greedy gremlins who own the stations. Fun Fun Fun....BTW Gustav is now a catergory 4 yipppeee!

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